病理诊断专家:Harry S Cooper, MD

来源:医生在线 时间:2012/10/10 15:53 阅读:323

  I have been very fortunate to be able to work in the department of pathology at Fox Chase Cancer Center since 1995. Fox Chase is one of the top cancer centers in the country and our pathology department, among the top programs in diagnosing and studying cancer.   Working at Fox Chase affords me the opportunity to work closely with basic investigators in translational science and to be actively involved in the clinical care of cancer patients.

  My area of interest in both the clinical arena and research is gastrointestinal pathology. On the clinical service, I work closely with the physicians in diagnosing cases from the gastrointestinal tract and general surgical pathology.

  In research, my areas of interest are malignant polyps of the colon and rectum, colorectal neoplasia and colorectal neoplasia and its chemoprevention.
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