
来源:医生在线 时间:2012/10/23 10:47 阅读:588

远程会诊美国妇科<a href=https://ca.51daifu.com/ target=肿瘤专家" width="426" src="http://img.51daifu.com/ca/20121023/ca-2012-10-23-lqz-06.jpg" />

  我于2006年来到Fox Chase Cancer Center肿瘤外科并担任妇科肿瘤主任。我的专长是各种复杂的妇科手术即妇科肿瘤的外科治疗,包括卵巢癌,子宫癌、外阴癌及宫颈癌。我曾接受腹腔镜的特殊培训及机器人手术。此外,我还能实施保留生育能力手术治疗早期宫颈癌及泌尿和直肠瘘的外科手术。

  在Fox Chase Cancer Center工作给我一个难得的机会,能够与国际高级领跑的妇科肿瘤专家在一起工作。妇科癌症中心不仅先进的外科技术及创新的癌症治疗手段,还需要极富同情心的个人护理,为患者提供改善生活质量和延长生存率较好的机会。


  I joined the department of surgical oncology at Fox Chase Cancer Center in 2006 as chief of gynecologic oncology. My specialty is complex gynecologic surgery and the surgical management of gynecologic malignancies, including ovarian, uterine, vulvar and cervical cancers. I have special training in laparoscopic and robotic surgery. In addition, I perform fertility-sparing surgery for early cervical cancer, as well as provide surgical treatment for urinary and rectal fistulas。

  Working at Fox Chase gives me the opportunity to collaborate with doctors who are world leaders in developmental therapeutics for gynecologic cancers. Combining state-of-the-art surgery with innovative new therapies in a cancer center that emphasizes compassionate, personal care, gives my patients the best chance for survival and quality of life。

  In addition to giving lectures world-wide, I perform regular surgical missions to Africa to treat women with injuries caused by childbirth。
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