PET-CT Fusion Imaging

来源:Internet 时间:2009/09/11 09:42 阅读:402

  What is PET-CT Fusion Imaging?

  PET-CT scanning is an innovative technology that combines two different imaging procedures: positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT). Both imaging apparatus work in perfect tandem and display every detail of the body’s inner workings – after just one scan. 

  Positron emission tomography renders visible the metabolic processes which take place in the body’s cells: on the PET image the highly active cancer cells show up as gleaming dots and so even small tumours no larger than are easily discernible on the screen. However, determining their exact location with PET is often difficult. This is where computed tomography comes in: the speciality of this imaging procedure is displaying tissue structures.

  The combination of two imaging procedures in one PET-CT scanner allows:

  1.The exact diagnosis of even the smallest cancer sites.
  2.To closely monitor the course of the disease.
  3.Early detection and immediate treatment in case the disease recursan .
  4.Optimised therapy design: after only two weeks it is possible to reliably determine the efficacy of, say, a chemotherapy. This helps to save costs and improve the patients’ quality of life since an intensive but ineffective therapy can be discontinued sooner and changed for an effective one.



petct全称叫什么?是什么检查? PETCT的中文名称是“正电子发射计算机断层扫描术”,简称就是“派特 CT”。[详细] 什么是PETCT? PETCT由PET和CT两部分组成,两者组合在同一个机架内,一次扫描后PETCT融合工作站可分别重建CT和PET的断层图像以及两者的融合的PETCT图像[详细] petct检查有什么优点? PETCT可实现全身快速检查,一次全身扫描(颈、胸、腹、盆腔)仅需近20分钟左右,能分别获得PET、CT及两者融合的全身横断面、矢状面和冠状面图像,[详细] petct检查主要检查流程 让一目了然的了解全身整体状况,不仅仅及早发现病灶,而且也能诊断疾病,一般应用于肿瘤、心脏和大脑等重大疾病早期发现和诊断。[详细] petct检查后要和家人隔离多久? PETCT,即正电子发射断层扫描与计算机断层扫描联合成像,是一种先进的医学影像技术,它结合了PET(正电子发射断层扫描)和CT(计算机断层扫描)的功能,[详细] PET-CT主要检查什么?petct优势 PETCT结合PET技术和CT技术的优势,发现异常病灶并进行定性分析,该检验优于其他检验,目前该检查主要用于肿瘤和癫痫、冠心病等检查。[详细] PET-CT准确率高吗?有没有误诊 PET-CT可以一次进行全身断层扫描,及时发现转移病灶。PET 是功能显像技术,它能诊断出器官组织的早期和细微病变,但对病变区的生理解剖位置和病变区的形状诊断的不够精 确。CT是解剖显像技术,它能诊断出病变区的[详细] PET/CT检查应注意哪些事项? 确定位,将CT的解剖结构图像与PET的功能代谢图像完美地组合在一起,准确显示出人体各器官的生理代谢情况和解剖结构,两者优势互补, PET-CT可以发现身体的异常病变,起到1+1>2的效益。[详细] 什么是petct?这种检查安全吗? PET-CT是核医学科的检查项目之一,是一种全身的CT检查,主要检查恶性肿瘤患者是否存在淋巴结或者远处转移,也可以帮助判断肿瘤的分期。 1、PET-CT的检查范[详细] petct检查前需要做什么准备 患者需要与医疗机构预约PET-CT检查,并按照医生或医疗机构的指示安排检查时间。在预约时,患者应该告知医生自己的病史、过敏史和其他相关信息,以便医生做出适当的准备。 饮食和药物:在检查前一天,患者通常需要遵循特定的饮食指导,如避免高糖、高脂[详细]
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